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Getting Soup


The fund has been set up to help Watford’s great charities and we have been provided with thank you videos and testimonials from the organisations on what the funding has been spent on.


 They need our support so that they can help people who are bereaved and lonely, people suffering from domestic abuse, the homeless and many more in our town who have fallen on hard times.

  • Cathartic CIC
    Workshops and associated costs of running a film festival project
  • GoKula Cafe
    Gokula Vegetarian Café is now run by the charity Food For All, charity no.1077897 who support local people in need by providing free food.
  • National Animal Welfare Trust
    The National Animal Welfare Trust is one of the UK's top animal welfare charities operating five rehoming centres across the south of England. Money was used to fund vet bills and cat food / litter. To cover 2 - 4 months of essential running costs.
  • New Hope
    Watford New Hope Trust exists to serve homeless and vulnerably-housed people by providing accommodation and opportunities to rebuild damaged lives.
  • Hand On Heart
    Provide 650 school back packs to children from low income families, as they start the new school year.
  • Homestart Watord and Three Rivers
    Home-Start is a voluntary organisation which offers support, friendship and practical help for families in their own homes, throughout Watford, Three Rivers and Hertsmere.
  • Hope Charity
    The Hope Charity offers information, training, support and guidance to help parents, individuals and families. We provide opportunities for them to learn a range of skills for life and gain practical advice on a family issues.
  • One Vision Project
    The Project’s vision is of a community where people come together to support the vulnerable, promote equality and address injustice.
  • One YMCA
    They deliver a range of programmes and services that tackle the issues facing local people and ensure that there are opportunities for young people throughout thier work, from apprenticeships to work experience and childcare to youth work.
  • Peace Hospice Care
    They care for adults diagnosed with life-limiting illnesses such as, but not limited to: Cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Motor Neurone Disease.
  • Random Cafe
    The Random Cafe is a pop up cafe helping Watford reduce the amount of food wasted in the town, thereby making it a greener and more environmentally friendly town. They hold regular cafes around Watford using food donated by local supermarkets and cafes that would usually go to landfill.
  • SEWA Day
    SEWA is the promotion of good citizenship by encouraging and facilitating volunteering in furtherance of charitable purposes for the benefit of the public. They have been helping local foodbanks and shelters by collecting food bags from people's front doors. Tel: 07973 404675 Email:
  • Small Acts of Kindness
    Small Acts of Kindness is a small, high impact and rapidly growing local social enterprise based in Watford. They deliver gifts to older, often lonely and socially isolated people, in Watford, Three Rivers and Hertsmere. At the heart of this project is the incredibly simple belief that a small act of kindness can make a huge difference.
  • Sri Guru Singh Sabha Watford
    Sri Guru Singh Sabha Watford is dedicated to building strong ties with the community both Sikh and Interfaith. They have been providing hot meals to the elderly.
  • The Bowley Charity
    The Bowley Charity awards one-off, small grants to children in need living in the Watford and Three Rivers area.
  • Watford COVID Support Group
    Support local elderly / vulnerable people and isolating families to get food parcels or certain items they essentially need.
  • Wellspring Church
    Funding to keep centre open to support the foodbank.
  • Watford Elim Church
    The Pentecostal Church is located at 167A St Albans Rd, Watford WD24 5BD and during the pandemic they have been offering foodbank support.
  • Watford Foodbank
    Watford Foodbank is part of a nationwide network of food banks (Trussell Trust) who provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.
  • Watford Velmurugan Trust
    Food for the elderly. To subsidise money lost from reduction in donations. Funds to cover rent, wages and bills.
  • Colnbrook School
    Colnbrook School are a special school in Hertfordshire which caters for pupils with Learning Difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Speech and Language Difficulties. The fund has been used to buy sensory toys.
  • Disability Watford
    Disability Watford is run by people with a disability to help those with a disability, their family, friends, carers, Personal assistants or for anyone who has an interest in the problems surrounding disability matters.
  • DRUM Watford
    DRUM (Disability Recreation Unity Movement) is a registered charity and a user led group based in Watford. They provide activities and support to adults, from the age of 18, with physical and/or sensory disabilities living in Watford and the surrounding areas.
  • Electric Umbrella
    Electric Umbrella is a registered charity challenging the perception about people with learning disabilities and enriching and empowering lives through music. Based in South-West Hertfordshire and working across the county, they combat social isolation by facilitating regular, meaningful social interaction for our adult members with learning disabilities as well as promoting self confidence and independence.
  • Headway Hertfordshire
    Headway Hertfordshire are the only support organisation in the county for those affected by an acquired brain injury. They work closely with people who have a brain injury, their carers and families. They aim to reduce social isolation, improve health and wellbeing and give carers a break.
  • Herts Inclusive Theatre
    Herts Theatre Inclusive Theatre (HIT) is an award winning charity working with disabled and non-disabled children, young people and adults. Offering weekly after school workshops, holiday and weekend activities, day groups for adults and bespoke work for schools and local authorities.
  • Herts Musical Memories
    Herts Musical Memories delivers vibrant singing sessions that are both fun and therapeutic for people with dementia and their carers. They have been providing online singing sessions.
  • Para Dance UK
    Para Dance UK are the national governing body for Para Dance Sport in the UK as well as being the UK's leading specialists in inclusive dance.
  • Playskill
    Playskill is a registered charity which provides therapeutic pre-school playgroups in Watford and Hemel Hempstead for children with physical difficulty or delay, aged 0-5, including children with multiple diagnoses or no diagnoses. They also offer parental training nights, parent support and information, speakers on relevant topics and fun outings for all the family.
    Space is a Hertfordshire based charity supporting parent/carers of children and young people on the Autistic Spectrum, with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or a related condition.
  • Watford Workshop
    Watford Workshop offers opportunities to access work experience and skills training. Their mission is to provide disabled people with work experience, skills training and employment. They help people to achieve greater independence, become more integrated into the community and where possible, move on to main stream employment.
  • Watford Mencap
    Watford Mencap works with people with learning disabilities, their families and carers. We believe that people with a learning disability have the right to enjoy equal opportunities and be valued as members of society, enabling them to lead the life they want for themselves. Watford Mencap currently has a service user and carer base of 800 people.
  • Watford Shopmobility
    Free service offering loan of wheelchairs and electric scooters to people who need them for shopping in Watford Town centre. Fund helped restart by providing 3 months funding to cover lack of donations.
  • Group for the Rootless Of Watford (GROW)
    Group for the Rootless of Watford (GROW) is a charitable not-for-profit organisation which provides short-term accommodation support to vulnerable people in Watford. The charity works with other professional and voluntary agencies to ease hardship,and offers support to help rebuild peoples' lives.
  • New Hope
    Watford New Hope Trust exists to serve homeless and vulnerably-housed people by providing accommodation and opportunities to rebuild damaged lives.
  • One YMCA
    YMCA delivers a range of programmes and services that tackle the issues facing local people and ensure that there are opportunities for young people throughout our work, from apprentices to work experience and childcare to youthwork.
  • Watford Foodbank
    Watford Foodbank is part of a nationwide network of food banks (Trussell Trust) who provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.
  • 3R and Watford School Partnership
    Funding to run education classes for year 3 children for physical and mental health response to COVID-19.
  • Guideposts Trust
    The organisation has over 25 years of experience in mental health. The day centre in Watford (Henry Smith House) and the outreach groups in Garston, Rickmansworth, Borehamwood and Potters Bar, aim to offer daytime support to people with long term mental health problems in a sociable and relaxing environment.
  • Herts Mind Network
    They deliver essential mental health support in Hertfordshire, providing a diverse range of services from our seven Wellbeing Centres and other venues across all ten districts of the county. They create opportunities for individuals experiencing mental ill health to make choices, find their solutions, build resilience and manage their whole life and wellbeing.
  • The Crescent
    Support for people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS and who are currently in isolation.
  • The Living Room (Watford Centre)
    The Living Room is an addiction recovery charity (with centres in Stevenage, St Albans and Watford).
  • Transitions UK
    The Aspire Project is needed to support vulnerable young people (YP) who are at risk of (re-)offending in the Watford and Three Rivers area.
  • Watford Women's Centre
    They provide life-changing services for women to lead independent, productive and healthier lives, and also support our wider community. They aim to create a community-wide culture that has zero tolerance for family or partner abuse and that fosters healthy relationships based on mutual respect and equality.
  • Brick by Brick CIC
    Project to bring individuals together as a community to discuss issues such as the exam grades/Covid19
  • Community Learning Partnership
    CLP is a registered charity, specialising in very high quality arts & crafts courses for families and adults.
  • Citizens Advice Watford
    Citizens Advice Watford is an independent local charity giving free advice to help you find a way forward, whatever the problem. This includes advice and assistance with legal problems, debt and consumer issues, benefits, housing, legal matters, employment and immigration issues.
  • Dan Tien
    The Dan Tien is Watford's friendliest performing arts school! There are activities for the whole family, and as well as running a variety of dance, music and drama classes for children, they also provide a range of popular sessions for adults.
  • Pump House Theatre
    The Pump House, is a thriving arts centre in the Lower High Street area of Watford that has been providing high quality artistic events for over 45 years and is a hub for emerging talent.
Testimonials for Appeal

Testimonials for Appeal


W3RT - charity number 1085518
Holywell Community Centre WD18 9QD

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